
Admin => Vorstellung neue User => Thema gestartet von: luca am Do, 7.11.13 | 17:47 Uhr

Titel: ciao.....Vorstellung neue user
Beitrag von: luca am Do, 7.11.13 | 17:47 Uhr
i write from Italy,Vicenza....
I dont' know if this is the good way for the beginner....but i use the
google translator for understand your site....i dont' know german language...sorry....
I bought one Vmax mod America  1997 two mounth ago and i register on this site for to know better my bike and mybe for know new friends.....

ciao Luca  :prost
Titel: Antw:ciao.....Vorstellung neue user
Beitrag von: ALOISIUS am Do, 7.11.13 | 18:12 Uhr
Ciao a Vicenza.
Non importa - non parliamo di nessun italiano.
Cordiali saluti e benvenuto.

Titel: Antw:ciao.....Vorstellung neue user
Beitrag von: Schängel am Do, 7.11.13 | 21:09 Uhr
hi luca, wellcome here, nice greats to Malo  ;D ;D
Titel: Antw:ciao.....Vorstellung neue user
Beitrag von: HAJO am Do, 7.11.13 | 23:32 Uhr
Hi Luca,

wellcome to Vmaxxers.net. If convenient for you, english will do.

Have fun with your Vmax! :prost

Best regards

Titel: Antw:ciao.....Vorstellung neue user
Beitrag von: Nonsens am Fr, 8.11.13 | 12:16 Uhr
Ciao Luca,
fortumato tu!
Una Vmax et vivere in Vicenza...
1 ora dal Mare,   1 ora al Lago di Garda, mezz'ora ai monti...   
Buon divertimento  :)

Titel: Antw:ciao.....Vorstellung neue user
Beitrag von: Gest am Fr, 8.11.13 | 13:31 Uhr
Ciao Luca, bello che hai trovato qui.

Un piccolo gruppo Maxxer trift ogni anno a Caldaro / Alto Adige. Se volete possiamo incontrarci lì. Data: 2014/06/19 - 2014/06/22
Titel: Antw:ciao.....Vorstellung neue user
Beitrag von: luca am Sa, 9.11.13 | 08:02 Uhr
Thaks to all for wellcome....very nice Vmaxxer.......for Gest...ok for Caldaro.....say me the date........or mybe you had already write......best regards to everybody.....Luca
Titel: Antw:ciao.....Vorstellung neue user
Beitrag von: nussi am Sa, 9.11.13 | 08:50 Uhr
(http://server1.webkicks.de/nordmann/replacer/wave.gif) aus dem Vorbachtal

nussi und vbt  :prost