
Hallo from Denmark

Begonnen von chrisjep, So, 9.12.12 | 12:11 Uhr

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Hello Christian,

you see, the maxxers are very nice people but the english is not the yellow from the egg.
Believe me, i know me here out. It always walks me icecold the back down when I read all this.
You understand just train station ? No problem, everything in the green area. This is why we name us self the "normal loonys"
Don't make you a head. so long you drive a bike that goes like smith's cat you are heavy in order.
how too always, here in the forum goes the mail off.
I wish you always much rubber on the slipper and give good eight when you drive.
For much fun you can give all your mustard at the "laber" board. don't be a fear-rabbit, we bite not.
so, for me it is highest railway to go sleep. I live oversee and my time is sex hours more as germany. This too explains my good flow english.

;D ;D ;D
welcome  :prost :prost

PM (the asian outpost of the force)


Waaaah, ich schmeiß mich weg! (sorry, in Dinglish: I throw myself way...... and make myself me nothing, you nothing out of the dust! ;)  Copyright by Mia) ;D ;D ;D ;D

Irgendwas ist immer..... und wie sagte Kennedy schon: Ick bin een Schlawiner!


Zitat von: PM am Do, 13.12.12 | 17:53 Uhr
Hello Christian,

you see, the maxxers are very nice people but the english is not the yellow from the egg.
Believe me, i know me here out. It always walks me icecold the back down when I read all this.
You understand just train station ? No problem, everything in the green area. This is why we name us self the "normal loonys"
Don't make you a head. so long you drive a bike that goes like smith's cat you are heavy in order.
how too always, here in the forum goes the mail off.
I wish you always much rubber on the slipper and give good eight when you drive.
For much fun you can give all your mustard at the "laber" board. don't be a fear-rabbit, we bite not.
so, for me it is highest railway to go sleep. I live oversee and my time is sex hours more as germany. This too explains my good flow english.

;D ;D ;D
welcome  :prost :prost

PM (the asian outpost of the force)

I break together  ;D ;D ;D

Howdy from the south of germany (bavaria)


Zitat von: Drommi am Do, 13.12.12 | 17:28 Uhr

Were Beer is?? Seid ihr Bayern Biere??  :D

das habe ich mir auch gedacht. er meinte sicher: "our beer" oder "where" also wo -
aber was soll´s, wer Schreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten...

then: a vmaxer know´s how the rappid runs...